
Upholding Individual, State then National Sovereignty against the Enforcement of Global Governence and Tyranny

Enemy Belligerent

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I pledge before the Alter of Truth, Justice, Liberty and God to be an Eternal Enemy Belligerent to All forms of Tyranny over the Private Property, Personal Pursuits and Potential of the Hearts and Minds of Every Infinite Sovereign Individual of Mankind.

The “Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010,” introduced by Sens. John McCain and Joseph Lieberman would allow the U.S. military to detain U.S. citizens without trial, judges warrant with probable cause, indefinitely in the U.S. based on suspected activity.

The bill sets out a new policy for the detention, interrogation and trial of suspected enemy belligerents who are believed to have the potential to engage in hostilities against the United States.

 This bill will allow the United States Secret Police (USSP) agencies (FBI, CIA, NIA, to have these individuals held in military custody, interrogated for their intelligence value and not provided with a Miranda warning, Habeas Corpus or Constitutional Rights.

(There is no distinction between U.S. persons–visa holders or citizens–and non-U.S. persons.)

Resentment Toward Government corruption, private secret controls over the entire economy and industry of the nation is not something to be un-argumentative about.
Peaceful, Lawful Actions, but I can and must scream and yell and instigate an opposition to Tyranny and Corruption in the Systems Justice.

It would require these “belligerents” to be coded as “high-value detainee[s]” to be held in military custody and interrogated for their intelligence value by a High-Value Detainee Interrogation Team established by the president. (The H.I.G., of course, was established to bring illegal interrogation capacity to the federal justice system.)

Any suspected ‘unprivileged’ enemy belligerents considered a “high-value detainee” shall not be provided with a Miranda warning.

The bill asks the President to determine criteria for designating an individual as a “high-value detainee” if he/she: (1) poses a threat of an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the U.S. or U.S. facilities abroad; (2) poses a threat to U.S. military personnel or U.S. military facilities; (3) potential intelligence value; (4) is a member of al Qaeda or a terrorist group affiliated with al Qaeda or (5) such other matters as the President considers appropriate. The President must submit the regulations and guidance to the appropriate committees of Congress no later than 60 days after enactment. (there will be at most 60 days of unrestricted activity under the new ‘law’)

The OR at the end of the criteria list for designating an individual as a “high-value detainee” mean just one of the criteria need apply. That 6 year old niece of a suspected Al Qaeda member could be listed as a (3) potential intelligence value. She would be taken and her age may not be revealed in the report given to congress. She would could spend the rest of her life in a “high-value detainee” camp.

The High-Value Detainee Interrogation Team must submit its determination to the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General after consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General make a final determination and report the determination to the President and the appropriate committees of Congress. In the case of any disagreement between the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General, the President will make the determination.

Note that the president himself is removed from the individual decision making, In fact no elected official is making the decisions, only the USSP officials get to make the decision as to who is guilty, The president and congress have no real oversight or ability to verify the USSP reports, the president will only be used as a tiebreaker. The USSP will be Law Enforcement, Jury, Judge and Executioner of the Belligerents in America.

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  1. […]  This bill will allow the United States Secret Police (USSP) agencies (FBI, CIA, NIA, to have these individuals held in military custody, interrogated for their intelligence value and not provided with a Miranda warning, Habeas Corpus or Constitutional Rights. […]

  2. […] 2010/03/13/enemy-belligerent/ […]

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