
Upholding Individual, State then National Sovereignty against the Enforcement of Global Governence and Tyranny

Posts Tagged ‘State Depository

State Interposition Act, State Nullification Act

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The State Bank of {enter state name here}, Corporate Tax Refinement, Community Trust Restoration, Commodity Treasury Repository and Complete Tax Restitution Act

The {enter state name here} Republicing Act of 2011

In the State of {enter state name here} let it so be enacted;

The State Bank of {enter state name here}, Corporate Tax Refinement, Community Trust Restoration, Commodity Treasury Repository and Complete Tax Restitution Act;

or The {enter state name here} Republicing Act of 2011

on this date {enter date here}; to instill state interposition and attain local economic stability; by creating a tropism of local equity, justice and voluntary involvement; as well as, local community trust, ownership, control and benefit from the public domain; this in ultimate support to the Protected and Sovereign, Private and Individual, Personal and Independent, Citizen’s Fundamental Natural Rights, in Defense of the Solely Free Souls, the Living Citizens of {enter state name here} in determining their own capacity and their own local, personal development.

In as such; 

The Officers, Legislature and All Sworn Public Servants, in the service of the State of {enter state name here}, will interpose and prosecute all Unconstitutional, Federal and ExtraState; regulations, mandates, activity, directives and authority, this includes but not limited to the FDA, EPA, AMA, IRS, TSA, ICE, DHS, ATF, FBI and CIA . All Public Servants will be sworn to immediately report any individual unconstitutional action, infringement of State Authority or violation of the Citizenry’s Fundamental Natural Rights.

Corporations not owned in their entirety by citizens of the state of {enter state name here}, may only operate under 10% on profits or earnings made within the state. The 90% Multinational Corporation/ExState Corporate tax will be used for the operation of interstate trade and maintenance of state infrastructure.

Public Corporations and Public Businesses within the State that are owned completely by citizens of the State are obligated only to Local County and City/Municipality Taxes in which they operate.

Publicly made earnings from outside the state by citizens as well as local state corporate businesses are subject to ExState Corporate earnings taxation.

The State Bank of {enter state name here}will be created, owned and operated by Sworn State and Public Officers of Oath; to receive all tax deposits as state operations account as well as offer 100% tax backed non-fractional reserve backed loans to; citizen owned charter projects and local bonded operations.

Local County and Municipal Corporation Bonding will be funded by the New State Bank of {enter state name here}, for locally bonded and qualifying loans. Along with other sound regulations created by the State Bank Loan Board, Public Local bonding loans must reach a percentage threshold of the effected local population as well as financial limit to quality.

(As well as encouraging and benefiting from the ownership of the resources and encouraging local production; Local Bonding becomes a mechanism for only wanted change, supportable and fundable change)

Additional Account Reserves and Growth will be created with the {enter state name here}State Commodity Depository. Where upon Silver and Gold, as well as the primary State Commodities of; {enter State main economic produce, resource and commodity}can be deposited and purchased for deposit; by the citizens, in personal saving accounts, for tax breaks of public gains as well as  investing and benefiting in the Community Trust.

The State Commodity Treasury Board will invest in State projects that improve, develop and increase the value of the State Commodities and Resources. These Projects with local citizen matched bonding will receive the best loan rates and priority funding from the State bank. The reinvestment in Research, Development, Refinement will allow ownership, local control and direct investment in the growth of wealth and enrichment of the State’s economic strengths.

Individual Citizens and their Peaceful, Voluntary, Personal and Private Business Are Un-Leinable from any State or Public Activity; Being Free Living Beings, They are; Lawfully, Constitutionally and Morally exempt from; Taxation, Regulation and Infringement of the Necessities of Their Life’s Survival, these primarily being; Food, Clothing and Shelter, as well as Sovereign and Free from Involuntary Usury of Life’s Personal and Non Public Domain; Decisions, Activity, Pursuits, Happiness, Joy, Production, Exchange, Progeny and Creation.

Each new afore mentioned State Institution will establish a Board of Professionals and Representatives, comprised of Sworn State and Public Officers of Oath, to manage each Public Institution. The State Institutions will act with complete public oversight under County Commissions, that will each send 7 person civilian committees, with complete access for quarterly reviews.

No part of this act shall incur or reflect exclusive or monopolistic powers to the state over any private and public field of business in similar economic and social operation, but should reflect a free and voluntary, State invested, just, equitable and sustainable alternative in the public domain.


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